October 2019
It’s show time! We’re getting moved into our new show cow barn, starting to halter break new heifers and bulls and tune up others. We’ve enjoyed seeing the new show cow barn take shape; it’s conveniently located by the house, efficiently laid out for our daily routine with a center isle that gives us lots of room and separates the bull trap from heifer trap right down the pasture. Can’t wait for the 2020 spring show season!

Final welding work on the pens laid out with a nice 16’ wide center isle (Kristen and two of our Aussies Hank and Penny approve).

Our Lead Cattle Shower – Kristen Luce getting oriented to the new barn (careful going barefoot in the cattle pens!!)

Me and Top Shelf – I love this guy!

Debbie and Kristen ‘Hanging Luce’ in the barn and putting in the time with the new show heifers!

Top Shelf is the big man on campus in the show line up at Running Luce Ranch and we’re looking forward to him bringing home some hardware this season!